Analyze and Visualize Data With Python: WSQ Funded

Python Data Analysis Course with WSQ Funding in Singapore

What Will Your Learn in Data Analytics With Python?

  • Perform data operations in Python’s popular pandas library
  • Grouping, pivoting, joining of data sets
  • Learn methods and attributes across numerous pandas objects
  • Possess a strong understanding of manipulating 1D, and 2D data sets
  • Resolve common issues in broken or incomplete data sets
  • Master Pandas Dataframes and Series
  • Create beautiful visualizations 
  • Practice with lots of exercises and challenges
  • Learn to use Matplotlib for chart creation
  • Organize, filter, clean, aggregate, and analyze DataFrames

Training Course Fees

The full course fees for this training is S$980, before any Government funding.
For Singaporean/PR above 21 years, Training Grants are available.
For Foreigners, no government grants are available.

Grant Information

WSQ funding from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) is available to Singaporeans/PRs above 21.
(Both Individuals & Company Sponsored ).

Individual Singaporeans, 25 years & above can also use their SkillsFuture Credits for this training at Intellisoft.

NTUC Members can utilize UTAP Funds to offset 50% of the remaining fees*.

Contact us for more information on How to apply for this SkillsFuture Grant.
Call +65-6252-5033 for Details or WhatsApp Now at +65-9066-9991

up to 70% Grant

$686 Funding by SSG
Pay $294
  • Singaporeans Above 40 Years
  • Individuals
  • SME Companies
  • Individuals Can Use SkillsFuture
  • UTAP Funding*

up to 50% Grant

$490 Funding by SSG
Pay $490
  • Below 40 Years
  • Individuals
  • SG / PR / MNC Companies
  • SkillsFuture (Singaporeans only)
  • UTAP Funding*

Course Overview

WSQ Grant of up to 50-70%

The Analyze and Visualize Data With Python Training is a practical, hands-on, 2 days training, focused on teaching the participants the key skills used to analyze data using Python.

This intermediate 2-day course focuses on a number of Python packages that are commonly used for data analysis, including: CSV, Numpy, SciPy and Pandas. During the course, participants will manipulate and clean data as well as use the stats library to conduct basic statistical tests.

Additionally, this course focuses on how to write and run simple data analysis programs in Python, and builds on these using some of the powerful extensions available in Python. This will be achieved through hands-on worked examples of real life data problems.

Python is used by analysts who want to go deeper into data analysis or apply statistical techniques, and by most people who turn to Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data analysis.

Python is a production-ready language meant for data science and data analysis, meaning it has the capacity to be a single tool that integrates with every part of your workflow! It helps you make sense of your data, quickly, and efficiently.

Course Outline

On this course, you’ll also look at:

  • Conducting simple statistical analyses: The Python Numpy Module
  • Combining For/While loops and Numpy for complex analysis
  • Using Pandas to import and manipulate datasets.

For this course, you’ll need some basic experience with Python. You can do our Beginners in Python course first if you do not have the basics yet.

Why Use Pandas?

Pandas allows us to analyze big data and make conclusions based on statistical theories.

Pandas can clean messy data sets, and make them readable and relevant.

Relevant data is very important in data science.

What Can Pandas Do?

Pandas gives you answers about the data. Like:

  • Is there a correlation between two or more columns?
  • What is average value?
  • What are the Min & Max values?

Pandas are also able to delete rows that are not relevant, or contains wrong values, like empty or NULL values. This is called cleaning the data.

Data Analysis With Pandas

  • Creating, Reading & Writing Data & Files
  • Indexing, Selecting & Assigning Data
  • Using Summary Functions and Maps to Extract Insights From Data
  • Grouping & Sorting Data to Scale up you level of insights. Valuable for larger, complex data sets.
  • Solving Data Type & Missing Values Problems
  • Renaming & Combining Data to begin making Sense
  • Pandas Correlations
  • Plotting Pandas Data
  • Quiz & Practical Exercises for analyzing data

Data Analysis Project With Pandas & Python.


Target Audience

This course is for people who want to analyze a lot of data quickly and gain insights that are not available easily.

We use the Python programming language, which is popular among data analysts and data scientist.

A number of popular Python libraries and packages like Numpy, Pandas and SciPy are covered in this training. If you wish to learn how to use Python for Data Analysis, then this training is for you.


Analyze and Visualize Data With Python Training: What You Need To Get Started

This Python course is designed for intermediate users who wish to become an application developer by using Python, which is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It is a classroom-based course that covers the essential topics to start programming with Python.

Basic prior knowledge on Python programming is required. If you don’t have the basics of Python, we recommend that you attend the Introduction to Python training first.

WSQ Grant of up to 50-70%

Grant Information

WSQ: To claim up to 70% WSQ Funding for this Analyze and Visualize Data With Python training, participants must be Singaporeans or PRs. They can be INDIVIDUALS or COMPANY SPONSORED. We will apply for the WSQ Grant on your behalf, AFTER you have successfully registered for this training. SSG Terms and conditions apply for WSQ Funding, based on your/your company’s eligibility.

SkillsFuture for Analyze and Visualize Data With Python Training: Individual Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credits for this Basic Excel training class.

UTAP Funding: NTUC Members can utilize UTAP to offset 50% of the remaining fees*.

Call us at +65 6250-3575 or email for any questions or to register for the upcoming class of Analyze and Visualize Data With Python course with SkillsFuture & WSQ funding.

Do You Have Any Questions

on Course Fee, WSQ Grant or Funding?

Ask Us. We’ll be happy to assist you.

Training Schedule


Register For Analyze and Visualize Data With Python Training in Singapore.

  1. Call us at +65 6250-3575 for any enquiries.
  2. Send an email  to  OR
  3. Submit an online enquiry if you have  any questions regarding Analyze and Visualize Data With Python training.

Note: This class is a very practical, and hands-on workshop session. It requires you to take part in a lot of exercises during the class. A laptop with the required software pre–loaded is provided to each participant for use during this workshop.

Join Python class in Singapore today, and learn the Fundamentals of Python Data Analysis easily, with step by step instructions, and helpful, patient, Certified Trainers to guide you.

We also provide Corporate Training on Analyze and Visualize Data With Python in Singapore, and Asia, provided you have a group of participants wanting to learn Python Data Analysis.

Why Choose Us?

ACTA Certified Trainers

Authorized Training Organization


Fully Set Up
Training Room

20+ Years
Experience in Education

Practical, Hands-on

Certified Students


Useful & Handy
Student Guide

Contact Us

We are located at Fortune Centre, 190 Middle Road, #10-08 Singapore 188979

Click here for For Directions 

Telephone: 6252-5033  WhatsApp: 9066-9991


Lots of Useful Things To Learn in Python For Data Analysis

In a Python for data analysis training, you can expect to learn various libraries and techniques commonly used for working with data. Here are some key topics that are typically covered:

Introduction to Python for Data Analysis: The training will start with an introduction to Python programming language and its relevance in data analysis. You will learn about basic data types, variables, control flow, and functions in Python.

Pandas: Pandas is a powerful library for data manipulation and analysis. You will learn how to work with Series and DataFrame objects, load data from different sources (such as CSV, Excel, and databases), clean and preprocess data, handle missing values, and perform various operations like filtering, grouping, merging, and reshaping data using Pandas.

Data Visualization: Visualization is an essential aspect of data analysis. You will learn how to create meaningful visualizations using libraries such as Matplotlib. Topics covered may include plotting data, customizing plots, creating bar charts, line plots, scatter plots, histograms and more.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): EDA involves analyzing and summarizing datasets to gain insights and identify patterns. You will learn how to explore and visualize data using Pandas and other libraries, handle outliers and anomalies, perform descriptive statistics, and generate summary statistics.

Statistical Analysis: The training may cover statistical techniques commonly used in data analysis. This may include hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. You might also learn about probability distributions and statistical modeling.

Data Wrangling and Cleaning: Data analysis often involves dealing with messy and incomplete data. You will learn various techniques for data wrangling and cleaning, such as handling missing data, handling duplicates, transforming data, and dealing with outliers.

These are some of the core topics you can expect to learn in a Python for data analysis training. 

Data Analytics With Python WSQ Course in Singapore

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